

Returns a list of tuples containing the received qubits and their annotations.

res_listlist[tuple[list[Qubit], str]]

A list of tuples containing the sent qubits and the annotations.


We send a qubit from one client to another and inspect the inbox

>>> from qrisp.quantum_network import QuantumNetworkServer, QuantumNetworkClient
>>> local_server = QuantumNetworkServer("", background = True)
>>> local_server.start()
>>> alice_client = QuantumNetworkClient(name = "alice", socket_ip = "")
>>> bob_client = QuantumNetworkClient(name = "bob", socket_ip = "")

Prepare the qubit which will be sent to bob:

>>> from qrisp import QuantumCircuit
>>> qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
>>> qc.h(0)
>>> alice_client.run(qc)
{'': 1}

Send the qubit to Bob:

>>> alice_client.send_qubits("bob", [qc.qubits[0]], annotation = "Merry christmas!")

Now Bob can check his inbox

>>> messages = bob_client.inbox()
>>> received_qubits, annotation = messages[0]
>>> print(received_qubits)
>>> print(annotation)
Merry christmas!